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Perceptions of Denmark

388   400
N O W   G O A L

 The current Perceptions of Europe survey is focused on working in Denmark and 388 votes from expats have been saved so far. We will publish the results as soon as we reach the goal of 400 votes. However, you can also choose other European countries from the list.

Be sure to check our articles on working in Denmark and its regions. Here is more about the survey methodology.

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Survey Methodology

Methodology of the Expat Satisfaction Survey

The survey is measuring expat satisfaction across countries in Europe.

Some would call this survey for the shortest survey they ever experienced, and the whole idea is to make the survey and results easy to understand and comparable across countries. We do not have any assumptions concerning which countries are being more popular than others in Europe. our attempt has been to make a neutral survey.

To solve this we chose to have 4 questions in total focusing on the perception of living, work-life balance and work-culture in the country. We had to leave out differences in gender, age, partner status, sexuality and all other personal aspects to achieve the desired level of simplicity.


The survey is based on methods from quantitative statistics made to understand to which level participants are dis-satisfied or satisfied to be in the country. The level is measured on a scale from 0-10, where 10 is the highest satisfaction and most positive score. The scale gives a more subjective result than a yes / no question, but it is still valid to make an average across the survey participants.

The four questions (see below) are asked to expats in all countries. And to reach a level of statistical validity, we need a minimum of 384 participants in each country. The sample size is relative high, but it is needed to achieve a statistical valid result, and balance out mistakes among participants with a 5% margin of errors - and a confidence interval of 95%, which means that there is 95% chance that the survey reflects the attitudes of expats in each country, when 384 in each country answers the survey .

1) Where do you come from?
2) How do you like living in the country?
Please rate your overall experience from 0-10
3) How is your work life balance in the country?
Please rate the balance between your time for other aspects of life (family, friends and yourself) from 0-10
4) How do you like the work culture in the country?
Please rate the atmosphere, management and collaboration styles that you experienced while working in Denmark from 0-10.

Marketing of the online survey:
The survey and its questions have been launched on the Eurocareers portal and also within country specific expat groups on facebook. Using social media for marketing has also given some, though limited level of interaction with participants during the survey process.

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