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Denmark • Danmark

Denmark is a pearl in the northern Europe having a high productivity, high wages, a big public sector and booming industry; after the recovery from the subprime mortgage crisis. We have a free health care system, organized public transport and a high level of education. We are looking for specialized professionals within the sectors of IT, pharmaceuticals, shipping, oil, energy, electricity, chemicals, global sales, research and construction. Each region in Denmark has different needs. Its important that you take a closer look to the biggest cities such as Copenhagen (the capital), Aarhus, Odense and Åalborg, which are popular destinations for international minded specialists - and figure out if you are interested in the areas.
Regions: 1. Copenhagen  2. Zealand  3. Southern Denmark  4. Central Denmark  5. North Denmark 

Morten Thygesen

Country Manager

I love to research business concepts and develop marketing related recruitment services and find the best people for companies. ... Full Profile

Applying For a Job in Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Social Networks in Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Expat Satisfaction in Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Tax System and Insurance in Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Portrait of an Expat From South Korea

 by Morten Thygesen

Why Work Abroad in Denmark?

 by Morten Thygesen

Job Market in Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen

Business Culture in Denmark

 by Morten Thygesen