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The public transport system works out well as in the rest of Denmark. There is an easy access to Copenhagen with 30 minutes from Ringsted/Køge. The departure to Odense is also quite fast, so transport is easy, even though there are not that many busses as in the capital. Delays happen once in a while, but the overall impression is that it works out, and you can use trains and busses on the same ticket.

Morten Thygesen

Recruiter and business analyst

I love to research business concepts and develop marketing related recruitment services and find the best people for companies. ... Full Profile

Transport in Zealand

Updated 7.11.2018

A lot of people commute while living in the Zealand region, which gives the benefits of the quiet life in the provincial cities and flexibility to visit the capital when needed. There are both regional trains and busses connecting small and large cities in the Zealand area - and price system is based on zones.

Regional trains

The regional trains are well connected within the Zealand region. It is easy to travel to the regions of Copenhagen which takes around 30 minutes from Roskilde, and 1 hour from Næstved. Odense in Southern Denmark, is 1 hour away from Roskilde. And Århus in Central Denmark can be reached in 2.5 hour from Roskilde, while Aalborg in North Denmark has a long travel distance of approximately 4.5 hours. The comfort level is quite high in all regional trains, and most of the time you will be able to work in the train on your laptop etc.


Busses are of course used in the cities with little waiting time of for instance 20 minutes at the central station in Næstved to get the next bus to your destination. Busses are also driving in the smaller and remote cities outside Roskilde, Ringsted, Køge, Næstved, Vordingborg etc. The waiting time is though longer and often a bus drives every second hour in the remote areas outside the provincial (remote) cities.

Prices and discount

On a travel card (rejsekortet) with optimal discount, you should expect to pay around 11-12 Euro from Næstved to Copenhagen which takes one hour, while a standard ticket is around 17 Euro. If you are commuting every day, you should consider to buy a Monthly Travel Card (Månedskort). It is normally cheaper than the travel card solution (Rejsekort). 2 zones costs 3 euroes and on a travel card with discount 2 Euro.

Planning of travels

Its quite easy to plan your travel to your destination by using the digital travel planner integrating bus, train and walking on Its possible to get an easy overview of your travel and compare prices between a standard ticket, 1st class, travel card or monthly travel card.

Be aware that the fine of free riding in the bus, train, metro or subway is 100 Euro

Sources: (Digital travel planner)
